

<v-button />

Button API

Button - Props

Prop name Description Type Values Default
subscribeField Subscribe specific register-key form-item on ancestor string - void 0
activeFormItem do not register on form-item boolean - true
enterKey used for enterkeyhint attribute, and will change behavior when enter key is pressed string - EnterHint.Enter
boundaryComponentName - string - 'PortalTarget'
iconType - string - ICON_TYPE.FOLLOW_MANAGER
type Button type.
Note: split type only works when the dropdown slot is not empty.
string '', 'footbar', 'dropdown', 'styleless', 'split', 'border', 'border-dropdown', 'border-split', 'footbar-border', 'footbar-border-dropdown', 'welcome', 'round', 'round-border' ''
size - string - SIZE.NORMAL
display Button display type. string 'text', 'icon', 'icon-text' 'text'
suffix Define the button custom suffix class string 'grey', 'blue', 'cancel', 'main', 'green', 'red', 'orange' 'grey'
htmlType htmlType of the button string 'submit', 'button', 'reset' 'button'
disabled If true, the button will be disabled. boolean - false
icon Class name the button's icon will have. string - void 0
menuAlign Describe how the dropdown menu should be aligned to the button.
Example: tl-&gt;bl means the top-left side of the menu will be stuck to the bottom-left side of the button.
string 'c', 't', 'b', 'l', 'r', 'tl', 'tr', 'bl', 'br' 'tl->bl'
menuConstrainHeight when menu height is out of popup container, it will contrain menu to fixed height boolean - false
tooltip Text for the button's tooltip.
If false, will disable it.
object\ string\ boolean - false
dropdownOffset Dropdown menu's position offset array - [0, 1]
useBreakpoint - boolean - true
name Will use this name on breakpoints button group string - ''
mobileBreakpoint Assign the breakpoint of button.
Less or equal than the breakpoint you assigned, mobile class would be added to the button's class list.
string\ boolean 'xxxl', 'xxl', 'xl', 'lg', 'md', 'sm', 'xs', 'xxs', 'xxxs' 'xxs'
active Only works in button-group, it will turns to active state when you pass true boolean - false
getExtraElements customize extra elements for prevent click outside func - void 0

Button - Methods


Method to handle click behavior.

Param name Type Description
evt EventObject -


Remove menuContainer in this hook (if menuConatiner is created).

Param name Type Description
pressed - -

Button - Events

Event name Properties Description
focus-next-field - -
focus-prev-field - -
blur - -
dropdown-show value Boolean - show/hide of the dropdown Emitted when the dropdown menu is opened/closed.
dropdown-open value Boolean - open/close of the dropdown Emitted when dropdown menu is opened
dropdown-close value Boolean - open/close of the dropdown Emitted when dropdown menu is closed
click evt EventObject - the click event object Emitted when button is clicked.
click-dropdown item Object - undefined Emitted when the overflow toolbar item has been clicked

Button - Slots

Name Description Bindings
icon icon inside &lt;v-button&gt; -
default content inside &lt;v-button&gt; -
dropdown Dropdown content -

results matching ""

    No results matching ""