The PKG_CONX is similar to install_conflict_packages key in INFO file, but it additionally defines the restriction according to specific OS versions.

priority of PKG_CONX is higher than install_conflict_packages in INFO

Each configuration file is defined in standard .ini file format with key/value pairs and sections. A section describes a unique name of dependent/conflicting package. Each section contains information about the requirements of package versions and the restriction of OS versions.

Key Availability Description Value
pkg_min_ver DSM4.2 Minimum version of conflicting package. Package Version
pkg_max_ver DSM4.2 Maximum version of conflicting package. Package Version
dsm_min_ver DSM4.2 - DSM7.1 Minimum required DSM version. Replaced by os_min_ver since DSM7.2 X.Y-Z
DSM major number, DSM minor number, DSM build number
dsm_max_ver DSM4.2 - DSM7.1 Maximum required DSM version. Replaced by os_max_ver since DSM7.2 X.Y-Z
DSM major number, DSM minor number, DSM build number
os_min_ver DSM7.2-60112 Minimum required OS version. X.Y-Z
OS major number, OS minor number, OS build number
os_max_ver DSM7.2-60112 Maximum required OS version. X.Y-Z
OS major number, OS minor number, OS build number
; Your package conflicts with Package A in any version
[Package A]

; Your package conflicts with Package B version 2 or newer
[Package B]

; Your package conflicts with Package C version 2 or older
[Package C]

; Your package conflicts with Package D version 2 or newer, but it will be ignored when OS version is smaller than 7.2-60000
[Package D]

; Your package conflicts with Package E with version 2 or newer but it will be ignored when OS version is bigger than 7.2-60000
[Package E]

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