

<v-input />

Input API

Input - Props

Prop name Description Type Values Default
subscribeField Subscribe specific register-key form-item on ancestor string - void 0
activeFormItem do not register on form-item boolean - true
enterKey used for enterkeyhint attribute, and will change behavior when enter key is pressed string - EnterHint.Enter
boundaryComponentName - string - 'PortalTarget'
iconType - string - ICON_TYPE.FOLLOW_MANAGER
type Type of input.
Options: ['text', 'textarea', 'password']
string - 'text'
id The component's ID. string - function() {
return syno-${this.uuid};
v-model The component's value. string\ number - void 0
placeholder Text to be shown when the component's value is empty. string\ number - ''
disabled If true, the component will be disabled. boolean - false
autosize If true, the component will be autosized. boolean\ object - false
strengthChecker See: Password example. func\ boolean - false
mask See: Mask example. RegExp\ func - null
numberOnly If true, the component will only accept number. boolean - false
defaultShowStrengthChecker If true, the strength checker will always be shown. boolean - false
maxlength Maximum value length the component will accept. number - void 0
readonly If true, the component will be readonly. boolean - false
focusClass Class name the component will have when it's being focused.
If false, it won't get any additional class when being focused.
boolean\ string - 'focused'
disableHoverStyle If true, the component won't get any additional class whent it's being hovered. boolean - false
fitContainer If true, you can assign the input width and make inner content to fit the specified width.
For Example:
<v-input class="my-class" fit-container />
.my-class {
width: 300px;
boolean - true
autocomplete The autocomplete attribute of input string - 'off'
showPasswordVisibilityIcon show password visibility icon when type is password boolean - true
clearable show clear button boolean - false
selectOnFocus select text when focus on textfield boolean - false
passwordPortalName - string - () => 'password-portal' + String(Math.round(Math.random() * 10000000))
passwordRules - array - []
mobileBreakpoint - string\ boolean - 'xxs'

Input - Events

Event name Properties Description
focus-next-field - -
focus-prev-field - -
blur this VueComponent - undefined
event EventObject - undefined
Emitted when input is blurred
input - Emitted when native input event happened.
focus - -
strength-check strength string - undefined
strengthText string - undefined
Emitted when strength checker is visible.
paste event EventObject - undefined Emitted when native paste event is triggered.
keyup event EventObject - undefined Emitted when native keyup event is triggered.
keydown - -
clear event EventObject - undefined Emitted when clear button is clicked.

Input - Slots

Name Description Bindings
password-rule-header - -
suffix-icons content as input suffix icons -
prefix content as input prefix, will not work in textarea -
suffix content as input suffix, will not work in textarea -

results matching ""

    No results matching ""