Pack Stage:

In the Pack Stage, packs all the necessary files according to your metadata and creates a .spk at /toolkit/result_spk. If you want to enter the Pack Stage without the Build Stage, simply run with the-i option.

cd /toolkit
pkgscripts-ng/ -i ${project}
├── build_env/
│   └── ds.${platform}-${version}/
├── pkgscripts-ng/
│   ├── EnvDeploy
│   └──
└── source/
        └── SynoBuildConf/
            ├── depends
            ├── build
            └── install

Pack Stage Work Flow:

  1. will execute the build script SynoBuildConf/install.
    1. Create INFO file by using
    2. Move necessary files to a temporary folder, /tmp/_install, for instance, and create package.tgz.
    3. Move necessary metadata and resources to the temporary folder, /tmp/_pkg, for instance, and create the .spk file.
  2. will sign the newly created .spk file with a gpg key which is placed under /root/ (the package signing mechanism is deprecated after DSM7.0).



This file must be written in bash and indicates on how to pack your project. The current working directory is /source/${project} under chroot environment. If this is the top project of your package, this file will define how to create the .spk file, including directory structure and the INFO file.

### Use PKG_DIR as working directory.
rm -rf $PKG_DIR
mkdir -p $PKG_DIR

### get spk packing functions
source /pkgscripts-ng/include/

create_inner_tarball() {
    local inner_tarball_dir=/tmp/_inner_tarball

    ### clear destination directory
    rm -rf $inner_tarball_dir && mkdir -p $inner_tarball_dir

    ### install needed file into PKG_DIR
    make install DESTDIR="$inner_tarball_dir"

    ### create package.txz: $1=source_dir, $2=dest_dir
    pkg_make_package $inner_tarball_dir "${PKG_DIR}"

    local scripts_dir=$PKG_DIR/scripts

    ### Copy Package Center scripts to PKG_DIR
    mkdir -p $scripts_dir
    cp -av scripts/* $scripts_dir

    ### Copy package icon

    ### Generate INFO file
    ./ > INFO

    ### Create the final spk.
    # pkg_make_spk <source path> <dest path> <spk file name>
    # Please put the result spk into /image/packages
    # spk name functions: pkg_get_spk_name pkg_get_spk_unified_name pkg_get_spk_family_name
    mkdir -p /image/packages
    pkg_make_spk ${PKG_DIR} "/image/packages" $(pkg_get_spk_family_name)


At the beginning, the script called the PrepareDirs function which will prepare the necessary folder for the project.

After created the folder, the script called SetupPackageFiles to move necessary resource files to $INST_DIR and $PKG_DIR. In this step, we called the file to create the INFO file. Although you may put the codes that generate the INFO file in the SynoBuildConf/install script, we highly recommend that you create the INFO seperately. Generally, we name it You can see how to write in the following subsections.

After moving the resource file to the proper location, we called the MakePackage function to create the package. We included/sourced a script called which is located at /pkgscripts-ng/include. The pkg_make_package and pkg_make_spk defined in can help to create package.tgz and .spk.

  • pkg_make_package $1 $2: Create packages.tgz of $2 from files in $1.
  • pkg_make_spk $1 $2: Create spk of $2 from files in $1.

As mentioned earlier, is just an optional script. You can create the INFO file by hand or move the code to SynoBuildConf/install. However, we strongly recommend that you utilize so that you can create the INFO file separately from SynoBuildConf/install.


source /pkgscripts-ng/include/

displayname="Example Package"
maintainer="Synology Inc."
description="this is a Example package"
[ "$(caller)" != "0 NULL" ] && return 0

The above code is just an example to show some important variables for pkg_dump_info. If you want to know more details about the INFO file and each fields, please refer to INFO.

Similar to SynoBuildConf/install, we must first include After that, we can set up proper variables and call the pkg_dump_info to create the INFO file correctly. As you may have noticed, we used another helper function called pkg_get_platform to set the architecture variable. This variable indicates the current platform we are building.

  • pkg_get_spk_platform: Return platform for “arch” in INFO.
  • pkg_dump_info: Dump INFO according to given variables.

Remember to make be executable (e.g., chmod +x

Spk Packing Functions

Synology package framework provides several functions to improve efficiency of packing packages. The functions such as generating architecture information in the INFO file, separating .spk name and creating .spk will be enabled after import /pkgscripts-ng/include/

Spk Platform Functions

A .spk can be installed on one or more platforms. You can decide which platform can be installd via INFO file.

function name Values Description
(No function) noarch Package only contain scripts. spk can be run on all synology Models.
pkg_get_platform_family x86_64 i686 armv7 armv5 ppc... Unify platforms with same kernel into a platform family. The package can run on same family of synology models.
pkg_get_spk_platform bromolow cedarview qoriq armadaxp... Directly output the platform where the toolkit environment is used. The package can only run on the specific platform.
  • If your package doesn't have any native binary, you can use noarch as the platfrom and write the scripts for your package. Package with arch=noarch can be installed onto any synology model.
  • If your package doesn’t have any kernel related functions, the package can run on the same architecture platforms. Use function pkg_get_platform_family to get platform family. Package can be installed on the models included in the same platform family. For example, package with arch=x86_64 can be install onto bromolow cedarview broadwell models.
  • If your package contains kernel related functions, every platforms will need a specific spk. Please use function pkg_get_spk_platform to get the platform(s) which is compatiable with your environment.

Spk Naming Functions

After spk generated, we need to distinguish spk name by platform. We can use spk name functions:

Function name Corresponding platform function Example Description
pkg_get_spk_name pkg_get_spk_platform examplePkg-bromolow-1.0.0000.spk / examplePkg-cedarview-1.0.0000.spk ... Spk name depends on which toolkit environment is using.
pkg_get_spk_name noarch examplePkg-1.0.0000.spk If the package has platform="noarch", this function will output spk name without platform info.
pkg_get_spk_family_name pkg_get_platform_family examplePkg-x86_64-1.0.0000.spk Spk name will be unified into platform family. Same platform family will geneate the same spk name. i.e bromolow and x64 will have same spk name.

You need to use path of INFO as argument. If no path specified, the function will get INFO file from $PKG_DIR/INFO automatically.

Spk Creation Functions

Developer can use pkg_make_spk to create spk.

pkg_make_spk $source_path $dest_path $spk_name
  • source_path is spk source directory. All spk files must copy into this direcotry before run pkg_make_spk.
  • dest_path is target spk path.
  • spk_name is spk name with/without platform info.
pkg_make_spk /tmp/_test_spk "/image/packages" $(pkg_get_spk_family_name)

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