

<v-checkbox />

Checkbox API

Checkbox - Props

Prop name Description Type Values Default
subscribeField Subscribe specific register-key form-item on ancestor string - void 0
activeFormItem do not register on form-item boolean - true
enterKey used for enterkeyhint attribute, and will change behavior when enter key is pressed string - EnterHint.Enter
boundaryComponentName - string - 'PortalTarget'
iconType - string - ICON_TYPE.FOLLOW_MANAGER
stopPropagation If true, the click event of the checkbox will stop propagation. boolean - false
v-model If true, the status of the checkbox will be checked.
Note: Only if indeterminate is false
boolean - false
indeterminate If true, the status of the checkbox will always be indeterminate state. boolean - false
disabled If true, the checkbox will be disabled. boolean - false
id ID of the checkbox. string - function() {
return syno-${this.uuid};
ariaLabelledby - string - function() { return; }
name Name of the checkbox. string - void 0
labelColor Color of label string 'normal', 'red' 'normal'

Checkbox - Methods


Dispatch an event (form.change), first triggering it on the instance itself, and then propagates upward along the parent chain until finding the FormItem.

Param name Type Description
event - -


Dispatch an event (form.blur), first triggering it on the instance itself, and the propagates upward along the parent chain until finding the FormItem.


If disabled is false, run onChange function.

Param name Type Description
e - -

Checkbox - Events

Event name Properties Description
focus-next-field - -
focus-prev-field - -
blur component this - the checkbox instance Emitted when checkbox is blurred.
input checked Boolean - the check state of the checkbox Emitted when checked state change.
change val Boolean - the check state of the checkbox
evt EventObject - the change event object
Emitted when checked state change.
focus component this - the checkbox instance Emitted when checkbox is focused.

Checkbox - Slots

Name Description Bindings
default Embed default slot to show checkbox label -

results matching ""

    No results matching ""